Merit are proud to Sponsor
Merit in the Community
The Merit boys successfully completed Tough Mudder on Saturday 21st September in approximately 3.5 hours – well done guys!! After running a 12 mile long obstacle course including jumping into and swimming in ice cold water, running through a mile of waist-deep mud sludge, and receiving electroshock therapy they all completed it successfully.
“Tough Mudder” events are hardcore 10-12 mile obstacle courses designed by Special Forces to test all around strength, stamina, determination, and camaraderie. Only 78% of entrants successfully complete each challenge. By running Tough Mudder, we’ll unlock a true sense of accomplishment, have a great time, as well as raise some funds for our chosen charity.
Tough Mudder - Team Merit
Merit and Macmillan Cancer Support 11th Football Tournament!
Last year marked the 11th year of Merit Recruitment proudly sponsoring Macmillan Cancer Support and we know that we can continued making a difference to people living with cancer.
The eleventh annual Merit and Macmillan Charity Tournament involved five-a-side teams from businesses across Hampshire, and took place at the PowerLeague complex, in Brighton Way, Brighton Hill, Basingstoke.
More than £3,000 has so far been raised from the day, which will go to Macmillan Cancer Support.
Latest with in our community
For our supporters in the Basingstoke area the Macmillan Mobile Information Unit will be coming to Basingstoke on Tuesday, May 27th, and will be parked in the Market Place between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m.
The unit provides face-to-face, free and confidential cancer information and support to anyone with questions or worries about cancer. The small team of skilled Cancer Information and Support Specialists have clinical or professional backgrounds in cancer care or significant experience in a skilled cancer information role. They are great at providing emotional support and a listening ear, as well as signposting to local and national services that may be useful.
One in three of us will receive a cancer diagnosis in our lifetime, and so please share this information with colleagues in your organisation as it could provide someone with invaluable support.
For our supporters in the Basingstoke area the Macmillan Mobile Information Unit will be coming to Basingstoke on Tuesday, May 27th, and will be parked in the Market Place between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m.
The unit provides face-to-face, free and confidential cancer information and support to anyone with questions or worries about cancer. The small team of skilled Cancer Information and Support Specialists have clinical or professional backgrounds in cancer care or significant experience in a skilled cancer information role. They are great at providing emotional support and a listening ear, as well as signposting to local and national services that may be useful.
One in three of us will receive a cancer diagnosis in our lifetime, and so please share this information with colleagues in your organisation as it could provide someone with invaluable support.